Liv Australia

Travel Prep Packet


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We’ve created an in-depth Travel Prep Packet with all the necessary low-downs you’ll need to prepare for and enjoy your trip Down Under. Gain insight before heading to Australia that might help you be a more engaged and considerate traveller while on the go.

Packet Information

We believe pre-trip knowledge-seeking and curiosity-building activities will only elevate your travel experience. Having some basic insight into your destination before visiting is not only helpful for you, the traveller, but it also extends respect to the local community and natural ecosystems when you are more aware and considerate of local customs and expectations you’ll meet along your journey. 

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Wildlife & Nature
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Heritage & Culture
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Outdoor & Adventure
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Wellness & Relaxation
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Food & Drink
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Festivals & Events
Hi Territories 1 Copy
Desti Liv Victoria@2x
Desti Liv Nsw@2x
New South Wales
Desti Liv Tasmania@2x
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Desti Liv Wa@2x
Western Australia
Desti Liv Southasutralia@2x
South Australia
Desti Liv Act@2x
Australian Capital Territory
Desti Liv Northern Territory@2x
Northern Territory